Dairy products

On Dezember 4th, 2019, was presented the action plan and governance structure for the "Dairy Cluster in Cajamarca", Perú. The project, which is being developed by Cluster Consulting, is an initiative of the Peruvian institution CEDEPAS Norte supported by Innóvate Perú (Production Ministry).


On October 3rd, 2019, an event was held for the second presentation of the "Dairy Cluster in Cajamarca" project in Perú. Carlos Tarrasón presented and validated the strategy for the future of the cluster based on information from the national market research and international benchmark which included a reference trip to France. The project, which is being developed by Cluster Consulting, is an initiative of the Peruvian institutions CEDEPAS, COREMYPE and Innóvate Perú.


On July 17, 2019, an event was held for the first presentation of the "Dairy Cluster in Cajamarca" project in Perú. Carlos Tarrasón presented the results of the cluster diagnosis and information about the dairy industry in Perú and the world. He also talked about the main consumer trends that affect the dairy sector and the main challenges of the dairy cluster in Cajamarca. The project, which is being developed by Cluster Consulting, is an initiative of the Peruvian institutions CEDEPAS, COREMYPE and Innóvate Perú.

On June 11, 2019, an event was held for the launch of the project: "Dairy Products Cluster in Cajamarca", in Peru. The project, which is being developed by Cluster Consulting, is an initiative of the Peruvian institutions CEDEPAS, COREMYPE and Innóvavate Peru.

From September to December 2011 we developed a strategic analysis of the dairy sector which included a reference trip to France.