We have developed the aquaculture clusters strategy for Peru as an instrument to develop governance and improve innovation in the sector.
In October 2022, we began the Study of recommendations and a proposal for a governance strategy for the creation of aquaculture clusters and its results have been presented in February 2023.
The project has been promoted by the National Program for Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture (PNIPA) of the Ministry of Production of Peru.
The project was structured in four phases. A first phase of validation of the methodology and schedule as well as review of initial information. A second diagnostic phase of potential clusters and initial recommendations. In this second phase, the trout clusters in Puno and Junín, tilapia in San Martín, shrimp in Tumbes and scallop in Sechura were analyzed. In the third phase, cluster-type associative models were identified worldwide and those considered most appropriate for the Peruvian reality were presented. And in the fourth phase, a roadmap was built that defines the characteristics of the program and includes policy guidelines, instruments and regulations necessary for its implementation and sustainability.
In total, more than 30 interviews and 8 collaborative workshops were conducted with companies and institutions in the sector, and international reference models from countries such as Norway, Catalonia, Brazil, Colombia and Chile were discussed.
The final conclusion of the study is that it is recommended that a cluster program executed from PNIPA be carried out for clusters with relevant volume, following the business leadership cluster organization model and with the support of a cluster program that provides enabling incentives and financial. We suggest that the other clusters that do not have relevant volume be worked on in a strategic network program. In order to meet the objective of the National Aquaculture Policy 2030 of making aquaculture grow in Peru, and of the PNIPA of improving governance and increasing R+D+i+e, it is necessary to organize the most relevant groups in clusters, provide them with vision strategy, define an action plan (road map), structure governance and accompany them in this transformation process in the short, medium and long term through the cluster program.